Siani Decor
The celebration of beauty to create
the elegance of living
Art is the highest form of communication of all mankind, which has always been inspired by peoples of every civilization and
culture spread worldwide. I am delighted to offer my experience in the realization of pictorial and decorative elements
characteristic of the Italian style recognized all over the world. My experience over the years has taken me to space first in
classical decoration such as fake marbles, fake wood, leaf gold plating, pictorial decoration, wall paintings, spatulas etc.
especially made especially for luxury hotels and private homes throughout Italy and globally. Thanks to this experience, I have
used classic decorative techniques and have readjusted them for one more contemporary use of my work, thus also reaching
out to furniture, design tables, panels decorative, cracklè, stucco and contemporary objects. My experience over the years has
led me to work especially within luxury hotels throughout Italy and abroad. In some of them I have had the opportunity to
space from the design to the realization of decorations of both the mural spaces and the various furnishing accessories for
each room.

Decoration Exhibition Ripalta's Walk, Roma
Decoration Exhibition, Piana Dell'orologio Spoleto
Caffè Italiano, Via E. Q. Visconti, Roma
Residenza privata, Scheggino (TR)
Ristorante Buvette, Via Vittoria, Roma
Hotel Excelsior, Private Suite, Roma
Grand Hotel Parco dei Principi, Private Residence, Roma
Hotel Del La Ville, Milan Hall e bar area
Hotel Hassler, Roma
Hotel Exedra, Roma
La Vela – Private Club Restaurant, Napoli
5. Anselmo, Hotel, Aventino Roma
Grand Hotel Astoria, Firenze
Hotel Alexander Plaza, Abano Terme
Hotel Rivoli, Roma
Istituto Suore Canossiane, Firenze
President Residence, Castel Fusano (Roma)
Hotel Bernini, Roma
Grand Hotel Palace, Roma
Ristorante Piccola Roma, Rome
ll Castello dell'Oca, Bavetta, Via dell'Oca, Rome
Arte nella Casa, Simonetta Fumagalli, Rome
River Side, Via Toronto
La Cervaro, Relais Todini, Todi
Air Terminal – Roma
Hotel De La Ville, Roma
Hotel Ambasciatori, Via Veneto, Roma
Grand Hotel Flora, Roma
Grand Hotel Dei Dogi, Venezia
Hotel Mediterraneo, Napoli
Grand Hotel Atlantis Bay, Taormina
Hotel Liberty, Catania
Hotel Ras Al Khaimah, Dubai
Dommusi privati, Pantelleria